Posts Tagged ‘game’


Alexandre Dinerchtein

The fish cannot live without water.
Takemiya-sensei cannot live without territory in the center.
Can you live without our website, friends?

You can, but we will try to make it more attractive, so you will probably visit it every day.

One story first…

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A Game Against Myself

Have you ever played a game against yourself? Perhaps it could be beneficial, if not fun. I know many Go players who learned the game in this way; I used to play games against myself when I first learned the rules and had not yet discovered internet Go servers. I decided to try it again last week and it was certainly an interesting experience.

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What’s [in] a “moyo”?

I have been teaching youth to play GO for a while now… One perennial question that inevitably comes up is “What’s a ‘moyo'”—usually during a game review, at move 37 in the example below—and I try to tailor my answer to the student and his current understanding of the game.

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